Hi. I'm Nathan Budhu.

This is the hub of my digital development activities and acts an extension of my Linked In profile. It is essentially my Digital Developer Landing Page.

I'm a Front-End Developer by day, night and where ever spare minute of the day I can squeeze out a project or 3. When I magically have some free time I also create somewhat entertaining social media content, design T-shirts and manage n8itude ShopZone my online retail stores.

Delivering pixel perfect interactive solutions for a myriad of media applications as well as maintaining a keen eye for brand guidelines has been my mantra for every project.

My experience has aided my comfortability in any work environment from smaller companies to large agencies. This range has also allowed me to work on a variety of projects from large loyalty rewards applications to digital training and learning tools.

Whether you want to continue the conversation about your digital development role you want to fill or have an immediate need to solve your digital dilemma please don't hesitate to let me know.

I am DEEPLY experienced with brand identity and RETENTION.

I am keenly aware of brand guidelines.

I am good for your brand, your clients and your team.


Agency Experienced Front-End Web Developer

Status: Open for freelance and contract consulting.

I have been through the dot com busts and booms and have done digital grunt work to digital masterpieces. From Graphic Designer to Project Manager to Front-End Web Developer, I've donned a myriad of hats.

Here are some quick links to live projects that I have added my expertise to.
CIBC Rewards | Scotia Rewards | HSBC Rewards | London Drugs | Conyers Dill

  • Web Veteran

    Or Mad Hatter. I've held several roles over the many years I've been in this industry including: Front-End Web Developer, User Interface Developer, Web Engineer, Web Designer, Project Manager, Graphic Designer, Video Editor, Desktop Publisher, Social Media Strategist, Video Producer and what ever is in the next path in this digital world.

  • I've worked there...

    Advertising Agencies, Loyalty Agencies, Web Development Studios, Media Communications, Digital Software Publishing and even a Jewelry Start-up Shopping Cart.

    Agile Methodologies utilized: Scrum, Kanban, Feature Driven Development (FDD).

  • Global Brands Developed For

    Ford Motors, Mazda, Toyota, CIBC Rewards, Scotia Bank Rewards, HSBC Rewards, TD Bank learning, Reebok, Scene, London Drugs Rewards, PayPal, Purina, Rogers, Disney, Johnson & Johnson, LG Electronics and the list keeps growing

    Recent Agencies Developed for

    FullStack Resources, Bond Brand Loyalty (Maritz Canada), One Method (BenSimon Byrne), Publicis Modem

  • Skills Proficiency

    Code & Framework Stack - ASP.Net (C#) MVC 3 & WebForms, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, PHP, XML, JSON, jQuery, Bootstrap, Foundation

    Software Tools - MS Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Adobe CS Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Brackets), Sublime Text 3, Grunt, Jira, GitHub, SVN, NPM

    Content Management Systems - Umbraco, Hubspot, WordPress

    Knowledge - React, Node, testing (A/B Split Testing), unit testing

  • KEYWORDS you care about (Alternate Tech Stack)

    Responsive Web Design, AODA Web Accessibility (ARIA WCAG), Media Queries, BoilerPlate, Modernizr, Web Semantics, Web Standards, Cross-Browser/Cross-Device Compatibility, MicroSoft Azure, SQL, Rest APIs, GooGle Analytics, AWS

  • Portfolio Samples

    I have been in this digital industry since the late 90s. I have not had a chance to update any portfolio accounts (parents say waaaah). So please bare with me until I have the time to create something new, and refer to these (admittedly dated and more design oriented) portfolios.

    WordPress | Logo Pond

Off The Clock

Need a microsite for a small event (Birthday, Wedding, Party, Concert)?
Are you a small business who needs an agency experienced developer? Let's chat - @gmail | @Twitter

n8 Makes Stuff is where my freelance work culminates as a digital content creator for hire specializing in social media and front-end web development.

For full-time service inquiries, resume & portfolio examples scroll up.

The Family Man

I have been happily married since June 4, 2011. In 2016, we welcomed our daughter to the world.

In May of 2019 we welcomed our son to the world. He came a few months too early and has Severe Chronic Lung Disease. My son will Beat The Odds.

nathanandshelley.com | Watch us on Vimeo | The FamilyTube

n8itude :: The Brand

Since 2003.


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